Saturday, February 28, 2009

Boring, boring

Just checking in real quick. It's Saturday around 6. We were out and about today. Got some free undies from VS. Have another coupon waiting to be used, but it's not until next week. Applied for another job today. It's depressing to even look out there right now, there is just nothing. Sigh.

Only 20 more days until I start BCP's. I got my Menopur in the mail on Wenesday. One thing off my list!

Other than that, nothing much new. My mom and I looked up all the drugs online to see what their use is.

I am trying to get back to MI in March for a few days. We will see if that works out. A says I should go even if he can't. So I am going to ask on Monday and see what the evil bosses say. Cross your fingers for me. My mom has four days off so it would be awesome to see her again.

Anyway. That's about it for now.

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