Sunday, November 30, 2008

Busy weekend

Happy Thanksgiving and all that jazz. It's a little late, but I am writing!

Although we were away from family for Thanksgiving again, we had a nice one. A and I made a turkey, stuffing, mashed potates and gravy, corn, sweet potatoes, etc, etc. It was really good. We ate around 4:30 then relaxed and watched The Incredibles. Pretty good movie, I hadn't seen it before.

On Friday I (unfortunately) had to go into work for a bit to do Payroll and such. Then A and I relaxed for a bit and then went shoppingat Kohl's and Michaels. We have most of our Christmas shopping done for our families, just have to pack it up and ship it. So happy about that!

On Saturday we started decorating the house inside and then went out to dinner and had a beer at a local bar. Today we finished the tree and decorated the outside. Went to Target and got a price adjustment on one of ours gifts and then ran to Walmart to exchange something that didn't work and got some pop and water, which we needed.

Here are some pics of our place w/Christmas decor. :-)

As for the infertility, as I mentioned in the last post, we will continue to try on our own (which we have, with me mentally coaching us on) and proceed further in Feb when we are done with the holidays and our cruise. I am sure the time will go faster than I expect or so I hope.

I just thought of something, I should have taken a pic of my turkey and my pie for this. Oh well, maybe next time.

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